Owtbound's Library

Old News

Date Subject
10/05/2021 Website Migration and Rant

Hello to anyone who followed my page on Neocities! I apologize for the sudden switch from Neocities to Geocities.ws, but I had unfortunately run into some concerns shortly after paying for the "Supporter" package. I initially decided to upgrade because I wanted to use WebDav to speed up my development of the website, because I have so much I want to do with my website. At first, my only issue was the exceedingly slow speeds of WebDav at times (literally in the bytes at times), but I was okay with it, because I wasn't paying much and it kind of gave my site that kind of retro feel.

But... then I started having random files show up on my site. Nothing I had was ever modified, deleted or anything of the sort... but these files showed up without explanation. I already use different, securely generated passwords for all websites I use, but I changed my password anyways.

I contacted support right away (this was on 09-27-2021), and I let them know what I was experiencing and asked them to look into the issue. I also was worried that these files might actually belong to someone else's website, and that WebDav was experiencing an issue that could be widespread. I continued my development that evening and as I was working on a section of my website, another folder with random images showed up. Since then, I contacted support again, submitted a post on their Subreddit, and Tweeted them on Twitter. As of this post, there has been no contact from support.

I understand they are a smaller company and that the "Supporter" package goes directly back into helping host the entire community, but they specifically state in the signup section that getting support with your account is included. I wanted to stay, but I am too worried of having my site get flooded with junk, or getting hacked and losing all my work. So I am continuing here on Geocities.ws!

So with that issue out of the way, I am now going to continue my development as much as possible in my spare time! I don't have a lot of that at the moment, preparing for our baby who is due at the end of the year, and I have been working a ton of extra overtime at work to finish a project, but please keep me in your bookmarks!

Until next time, stay safe!
09/03/2021 Busy Life!

"I promise, this site is not dead!" - Lots of dead sites online.

But seriously, this site is not dead! I recently upgraded to the Neocities Supporter tier, and I am excited to use specifically WebDAV to save me the headache of trying to control a local copy of my site, and manually upload when I am done editing.

On another note... My personal and professional life have both been very busy. My wife and I are expecting in December, and the pregnancy has been particularly hard on her. Not to mention work! But I have been continuing to gather notes for topics and links I want to host here.

For those who want to know, I use CherryTree to keep my notes. I have a portable copy for Windows on a flash drive, and I always have it installed on my main Linux computer. I am also using Bluefish currently to write and manage this site. I highly recommend both programs! Even for the standard user, CherryTree is so powerful and simple, it has made my note-taking so much easier than just text documents.

I hope to have a news update later this month, but in the meantime, I will be actively updating other sections of this website. I will be working on the "About Me" section more soon, specifically to add a web form for my visitors to use if they have any questions, comments or suggestions!

That is, if I can remember how to program one!

Until next time,
Stay Cool B)
06/13/2021 Continued Construction

Hello again, this site is not dead! I have a rather busy workload at my job, and quite a few things going on in my personal life. Despite all of this, I have continued to make notes for this site, and I am continually working on updates to this Library of mine.

More to come soon!
05/22/2021 Under Construction

Hello and welcome to my humble site, Owtbound's Library. As you may have guessed, I am Owtbound. I am a tech enthusiast, a gamer through and through, and I have a deep love for old and retro things. This webpage serves as a library of things that I have found interesting at one point or another and that I would like to share with the world.

As a member of Archive.org, I am already very involved in archiving data, software and games as a means of preserving the history of computers, technology and video games. I hope that in time, this site grows to be a large collection that is useful to many. Please be patient with me as I am often busy in life, but I will do my best to continue updating this library in some form or another as much as I am able.

Enjoy, and thank you for stopping by!